
Eternal Beings

Mankind has been created as eternal beings.  Sin that is committed by eternal beings has eternal consequences.

There is no way for mankind to fully restore his own eternal soul to a state of purity again by his own effort as all self efforts are defiled by his indwelling sin.

Salvation is a gift That God the Father purchased by sending His Only begotten son to take our place.

Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

What is Salvation?

Biblical salvation refers to our deliverance from the consequence of sin and involves the removal of sin. Only God can remove sin and deliver us from sin’s penalty (2 Timothy 1:9, Titus 3:5).

How do I Get Saved?

We are saved by faith. First, we must hear the gospel, the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection (Ephesians 1:13). Then, we must believe – fully trust the Lord Jesus (Romans 1:16). This involves repentance, a changing of mind about sin and Christ (Acts 3:19), and calling on the name of the Lord (Romans 10:9-10, 13).


The Potters House Christian Fellowship Church, Reading, PA Our vision is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout Reading and the world. Our mission: The Christian Fellowship Ministries take seriously Christ’s commission to “go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Therefore, our mission as a fellowship has always been to fufill Christ’s Great Commission through discipleship, church planting, and world evangelism. It was Christ Himself who commanded His followers to “make disciples of all the nations,” and the simple obedience to this command by our founding Pastor Wayman Mitchell that has been imparted as our fellowship’s vision. With this focus, we are constantly endeavoring to reach unsaved and unchurched people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to spread the good news of God’s love and saving grace throughout the world. Whether we use Christian bands, movies, dramas, street preaching, or door-to-door evangelism, our focus and mission is to help lead people into their own personal relationship with the Savior Jesus Christ. The Potter’s House Church membership is composed of those persons who have accepted Christ Jesus as their personal savior and have voluntarily associated themselves together, for the purpose of serving God, according to the doctrines and policies of the church.

Posted in Spiritual Laws

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