Our Beliefs

We Believe:

In full salvation by the grace of God through faith in Christ and not of works.

In the Divine inspiration of the original Scriptures.

In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit.

In the natural depravity of the human race.

In the substitutionary atonement of Jesus for the sins of mankind.

In the propitiation for sin only by the blood of Jesus Christ.

In water baptism by immersion after conversion and the age of accountability.

In divine healing through laying on of hands and prayer of faith for the sick.

In the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

In the necessity of the new birth.

In the true church composed of all blood washed believers.

In the evangelism of the lost sinners of all nations of the world.

In obedience to civil government.

In divorce only on New Testament scriptural grounds.

In tithing as God’s financial plan.

In the restitution for past wrongs whenever possible.

In true saving faith producing the fruit of good works and holy living.

In the victorious life Bible study and a vibrant prayer life.

In Christian modesty in matter of dress and wearing apparel. (Wear what you like, but wear enough)

In the immortality and conscious existence of the soul.

In the resurrection of our literal bodies, the just and the unjust.

In a literal heaven and life everlasting for all true believers.

In a final day of judgment for the incorrigible wicked.

In the everlasting punishment of the impenitent.

In the personal, literal, bodily pre-millennial coming of Jesus Christ.

In a future, literal, 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth with all His saints.

In the judgement seat of Christ where the saints will be finally rewarded for their deeds of commission and omission.

In Christian tolerance to all denominations of Christian faith.